AFOD operates a central NOTAM facility for the USAREUR-AF NOTAM System. AFOD NOTAM compiles and distributes NOTAM information on U.S. AAFs and AHPs, and on activities conducted by aviation units.
The AFOD also receives and files NOTAM information from national and international NOTAM systems. This information is partially reissued in USAREUR-AF NOTAM summaries (NOSUMs), and made available for NOTAM briefings. USAREUR-AF NOSUMs are specifically tailored to the customers’ needs.
Information on airports and facilities not covered by NOSUMs can be obtained by contacting AFOD NOTAM.
Pre-Flight Information Bulletins can be provided by email for any flight plan filed with AFOD.
Pre-Flight Information Bulletins will be distributed upon request by providing AFOD NOTAM with PIC email and requested time (number of hours prior to EOTB) of delivery.